Picture Perfect Beauty Guide
You like to look good on a normal day, but when you have a special occasion poming up you really want to show your natural beauty. It’s not just about putting on some makeup and slipping into your favourite outfit. You want to feel outstanding. Being a little bit bloated, stressing over an unexpected breakout, or struggling with your wind-blown doo can really have an impact on your presence. Whether it’s a friend’s wedding or a work event, you want to exude that classy mix of super hot and visibly powerful. This will require that your body, your skin, and your hair all come together with your mind in blissful harmony. Before you write me off saying, “Thanks Sophia. That’s only possible for women who don’t work, spend hours every day in the gym, and have personal stylists,” read on! It’s easier than you might think to connect your inner and outer beauty.

Jenn and Emily, one year after their first session with me. Emily is growing up to be such a beauty. She’s totally taking after her mother.
Get Your Outfit In Check
- Start walking. Even if you walk just the week before the big shindig, you’ll start to feel a little bit firmer and stand up straighter.
- Avoid salty and starchy foods. Dedicate yourself to some clean eating for just one week and your mind will start to feel clearer and your clothes looser.
- Wear Spanx. Spanx will simply help even out lines and suck in that little somethin’ extra we all have.
- Try on your clothes in advance of the event or photo op. Really move around. There’s nothing worse than wearing something that looked great in the mirror, but is so tight that you can barely move. Make sure you are comfortable in your outfit.

Jennifer thought she shouldn’t smile in her professional headshot. She thought she should look serious. But that’s just not her. Ultimately she went with the photo of her smiling because that’s what she’s naturally like.
Make Your Skin Glow
- Moisturize, and make sure you’re using the right moisturizer. Believe it or not your skin can get more oily and more dry when you’re using the wrong product. Speak with an aesthetician if you’re not sure what moisturizer is best for your skin type.
- Don’t try any new cosmetics for a few weeks leading up to your big event. Not only is there an adjustment period for new skin creams and makeups, but your skin might full-on have a reaction to it. That would be terrible timing.
- Don’t exfoliate right before an event. I know you want to. Your skin feels a little bit gunky and you want it to be clear! But wait! When you scrub the life out of your skin a few unfortunate things can happen. Yes, you’re clearing dirt out of your pores, but you’re also leaving them open to fresh gunk. This is why your skin might break out just after being exfoliated, not to mention that scrubbing too much might aggravate it and leave you with little red bumps. You might also find that your skin overproduces its natural oils after exfoliating.
- If you’re planning to get any waxing, sugaring, or threading done before your photo op, make sure you’re doing so no less than 24 hours in advance. This will allow any redness to diminish. But don’t go ahead and do this for the first time! Your skin might have an unexpected allergic reaction to any number of the products used by your aesthetician, and the results might be a break out you just can’t cover up with a minimal amount of makeup. Yes, this has happened to me!
Wear Just Enough Make Up
- Don’t wear too much makeup. A good makeup application is great for emphasizing features you love and evening out your natural skin tone.
- Be absolutely sure your foundation matches your skin tone. All too often women will choose the tone they believe their skin to be, or will wear the same shade all year round without considering how their skin might change with sun exposure. This can have some entertaining but unflattering results. Your face should match your chest, or at least gradually transition from one shade to the next so that no one can tell the difference. You should not have a recognizable line highlighting your jaw.
- Try your makeup a few days before. Do it how you want it for your shoot or event and wear it all day! I don’t mean around the house. Wear it out and test it. Take a look at yourself in the mirror at the end of the day. Is everything still where it’s supposed to be? Even just an hour into my day I normally have eye liner falling down my face and my mascara is flaking all over my cheeks. It drives me BANANAS! If you too have some makeup transfer you might need to consider eye primer and setting spray to keep your makeup from migrating around your face.

I just love this! Dan and Meg just being themselves and having a hoot!
Care For Your Hair
- Properly wash and condition your hair.
- Don’t wash your hair too often. It might seem a little bit counterintuitive, but washing less will allow your natural oils to do their job and moisturize your hair. So rather than washing once a day, try once every two days. If you absolutely can’t stand the feeling of unwashed hair, try using a dry shampoo.
- Wash your hair the day before your special event or photo op. This will help take care of a lot of that frizz, and your hair will be easier to style.
- Weather test your hairstyle. This is important for any of those outdoor weddings or on-location family photo shoots. You might be dreaming of having long, beautiful wavy locks, but when the wind kicks up your hair might turn into a rats nest instead. Straightened hair might puff up and curled hair might fall flat.
- Come prepared with clear hair ties in case you weather gets a little hairy.

Lisa thought long and hard about what she should wear, and ultimately landed on a simple black shirt. Because that’s her.
Be Your Natural Beauty
That’s the big 3! By getting your clothes, your makeup, and your hair together, you’re bound to feel super confident. Because, well, you look darn good! All of these simple instructions will help make you look good, and feel better! You’ll feel nice and trim, your skin will feel silky, and your hair will be a little bit more cooperative.