Set Boundaries + Stick to Them
Who do you know who has recently told you they’re overwhelmed? Have you noticed people in your networks stepping back? Why are so many people struggling to keep up with family events, social interactions, and work obligations right now? I have a theory…
I think that we are all experiencing the effects of PTSD as a result of COVID-19. We were all told to go home, stay there for an undetermined length of time, wash everything we came in contact with, and stop hugging and shaking hands. We dutifully did as we were told, and now many of us enjoy what comes on the other side of a global pandemic. But we are stressed. We are stretched too thin. We are tired.
In this episode, Nikki and I discuss setting boundaries and sticking to them in our personal and professional lives. Boundaries allow us to prioritize our values and ensure that we are living life on our own terms. Not living by your own boundaries results in burnout, health complications, and all sorts of mental health struggles. For me, getting clear on what will be good for me and what will not has been a necessary step in improving my own physical and mental health.
Here are some of the boundaries Nikki and I have set in our own lives.
In Life
- Health is my #1 priority, so I am making sure that I get my workout in first thing in the morning before anything else.
- I’ve cut off communication with some people who just bring chaos to my life. I have also taken a step back from others who bring stress.
- Both Nikki and myself limit our exposure to social media and make sure that the ads and content we are seeing are positive.
- Nikki has designated time with her family where she doesn’t look at her phone.
In Business
- We both set working hours, and don’t work outside of them.
- I have gotten very specific about when I will take meetings, and don’t take meetings outside of those times.
- I’ve recently put a lot of effort into defining my target client, and do not accept work from people who are not my ideal clients.
- Phone calls really interrupt my day. I set designated times for making phone calls and emails. In fact, I don’t even answer my phone unless I am expecting the call. Instead, I let it go through to voicemail and then follow up at a time that works for me.
Remember, boundaries only work if you enforce them. And no one will respect them if they don’t know what they are. Only you can choose to let someone cross a boundary. So be confident in knowing that your boundaries are what is best for you.
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